Hey! I've gotten numerous questions how I get cheap content so I decided to throw together a guide how I personally do it.
It is really easy and I am sure many of you know about this already but I've seen some ridiculous prices on content that you can get for much cheaper so here we go!
First off you need to register on preferred freelancer site (I personally use Upwork).
Secondly, you should make a job listing on preferred freelancer site
Posting a job listing
[Guide] How I find writers for $0.6/100
It is really easy and I am sure many of you know about this already but I've seen some ridiculous prices on content that you can get for much cheaper so here we go!
First off you need to register on preferred freelancer site (I personally use Upwork).
Secondly, you should make a job listing on preferred freelancer site
Posting a job listing
[Guide] How I find writers for $0.6/100